
Score for subject you are teaching
Lang Lit:

HL ESSAY - 16/20

Oral - 34/40

Paper 1 - 38/40

Overall grade: 7


SL Business: 7

Short Description of yourself:

Hi, I am Ashleigh Hearn and I have just completed IB in the November session. I have always had a passion for English which is reflected in my consistent achievement in this subject and awards for best in the year. As a teacher, I aim to cultivate a love and appreciation for English by teaching my students that English goes far beyond reading a text. Rather, English is a subject that engages all your streams of knowledge to give you a holistic understanding of the world and how language shapes your own opinions and perspectives.

My lessons are carried out in an engaging manner and I aim to guide students through various textual analysis to help them master each component and complete each essay efficiently to score top marks. I will also provide guidance on Paper 2, IO and HL essay if necessary.