Jun Wei

Year of graduation from IB + score for the subject you are teaching
A for TOK

44 Pointer

A brief description about yourself 

I graduated from the ACS(I) Humanities Scholarship and Programme Class of 2019, and I intend to read History and Philosophy at university. The two years I spent in the IB were the most enriching years of my life as I developed my critical thinking skills, learnt how to apply knowledge beyond the classroom, and found great meaning in learning. Through my lessons, I hope to impart these values to my students to help them mature intellectually. 

In my opinion, TOK is the cornerstone of the IB education. TOK allows us to inquire about the nature of knowledge and think about fundamental questions such as: “How do we know?” and “What counts as knowledge?”. These questions, far from being abstract musings, help students to reflect on the knowledge that they have learnt throughout the years. 

I believe that the key to excelling in TOK is applying what one learns into the real world. TOK can be a highly theoretical subject, but what I enjoyed most about it can be applied to any real-life scenario. For me, TOK provided the framework for understanding how we produce and acquire knowledge, and this helped me to appreciate the content that I was studying in my other IB subjects and, ultimately, encouraged me to derive joy from learning itself. 

To make TOK a digestible and relevant subject, my lessons will focus on equipping students with the necessary skills to apply TOK in their lives. I wish to help students understand the significance of TOK, encouraging them to use what they have learned to think critically about issues both within and beyond the classroom. In my lessons, expect examples, examples, and examples; I believe that’s the best way for you to absorb information!