Surviving The IB

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Does the Extension of Your Circuit Breaker Mean an Extension of Your IB Tragedy?

Just two days ago, Singapore announced the extension of its circuit breaker measures which essentially made schools closed further till 1 June. Furthermore, the school holidays have been brought forward by a month earlier, causing greater disruption to student’s life.

For the majority, this may seem like a blessing, but for those sitting for their final year exams, this has caused a major overhaul in their plans as people often prepare way in advance (usually a one year time frame).

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Is Having Tuition In Singapore Necessary?

Tuition is a highly controversial topic. In Asian cultures, it is common for parents to send their children for extra tuition classes. After all, with globalisation, the world is becoming more competitive. Is it wrong of parents to want to give their child an edge?

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5 Ways To Overcome The Greatest IB Struggle: Time Management

Do you know why History is so important? It is because it reviews events in hindsight and draws valuable insight, so that (as much as possible) humankind does not repeat past mistakes. Funnily, generations after generations of IB students across all schools — local or international, public or private — have struggled with time management.

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How To Choose Your Subject Combination for IB

With JAE posting results around the corner (for international school or IP students, this refers to the tertiary education — junior college or polytechnic — an O Level graduate will be posted to), many who have opted for the IB program will probably be filled with an overwhelming level of uncertainty.

In this article, we’ll skip the BS and cut straight to the chase. It’s ridiculously straightforward.

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