University Applications Guidance

Our services

We help students with their university applications - all the way from the personal statements to university applications.

Personal statements

→ What to put in to the Personal Statement (Experiences, achievements) 

→ How to craft directed Personal Statements to the course

→ Tone, grammar and sentence structure in Personal Statement 

→ Expanding on past achievements and experiences (I.e. not just stating but showing how that leads to a certain attribute) 


→ Preparing for interviews


Our team

Comprising of successful applicants to various universities from local universities (NUS, SMU, NTU) to prestigious schools such as Cambridge, we can teach you our methods that helped us secure a spot!

No More Crazy Fees

We heard that some services charge upwards of $10,000.

We found this to be insanely high and out of reach for a good majority of students. Which is why we are offering it at a low early bird pricing of as low as $20!

  • 30 mins ($20 - original $35)

  • 45 mins ($25 - original $40 )

  • 1 hour ($30 - original $50)

Our Guarantee

If the service we provide you doesn’t get you a slot in the course, you will be eligible to a 30% refund on the fees you paid.

So, if you had a consultation for your personal statement but didn’t clear the round that required the personal statement, you will be eligible.

Got any questions? Feel free to drop us an email: or Whatsapp +65 81683082